Chapter 10: How Keywords volume and CPC comes into play


The Best Way To Discover Monthly Domain Name Search Volume

When you are deciding if you will buy a domain or not, whether it comes from someone else or the domain is newly registered, it is very helpful to know the amount of traffic the domain gets and the amount of type-in searches.

Once you know the amount of searches of a specific domain, you can use that data as a way to determine if the domain is worth it before buying the domain name.

This is a guide that will help you determine the search volume a domain can get per month.

1. Start with the Google keyword planner tool. You must have a Google account to be able to use this tool. Go Here:

2. When you have signed up, go to the navigation bat at the top of the screen and click on the tool menu and then the submenu “Keyword Planner”


3. Type the name of your domain in the box called “Landing Page”


4. As you can see below the search name that was entered for that specific domain is


5. In this search, we can see that the domain name is entered into the landing page box at the top. You will also see the Keyword “pet supplies” has an Avg. monthly search of 40,500.

If you use the keyword planner tool, you can get an estimate of the number of search volume of a specific domain.

CPC (cost per click) – The role it plays in the acquisition of a domain

Keyword volume and CPC are both necessary, you need to determine if the domain is worth it, which is why you must know if the volume is kinda low. Best case scenario would be a high volume and high CPC keyword.  So for example, if you have a high CPC in the lawyer niche and the keyword is something like “car accidents in los angeles” and the CPC pays 3.56 per click but the volume is only 300 searches a month, this might be still doable considering the high CPC payout.

The opposite is also true, if you have a low CPC but a very high search volume then again this could be worth exploring.

Keyword niches that have the best CPC for parking domain:

The keywords with the highest pay are related to niches where there is good money. An example are words like Healthcare, Insurance, Education and Finance.